Gillian Fennell

Gillian Fennell

Gillian Fennell

Location Icon South Australia

Professional Title Icon #Agfluencer. Communicator & Collaborator. Social Media Specialist

Contact Now
Hours Available:

11 – 20

Work Availability:

Contract, Casual, Part-Time

Hourly Rate:

$40 - $69/hr



When Ready to Start:


Professional Services Category:

Advertising, Communications, Events & Marketing

Best known for being a sequin loving bush badass adding sparkle to social media with authenticity and humour.
But there’s serious brains behind the shine – with a passion for Australian agriculture & seeing my industry thrive.
I'm an industry leader with over 20 years experience in beef cattle production and industry representation at a state and national level.
I've combined my love of social media (and yes I certainly do love it!) with my talent for talking to absolutely anyone about anything Agriculture related and ensuring the Aussie Ag sector thrives.

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